how to learn tarot card meanings

Learning tarot card meanings doesn’t have to be hard. In fact, my students learn tarot card meanings quickly through my fun approach to learning. By the time you’ve read this article, you will have a fantastic basic understanding of the main themes of each of the major arcana cards.

Storytelling is one of the greatest ways we have to convey messages, lessons and to embed a deeper understanding of a topic. Because of this, I’ve written the following short story of our main character, Aria, who is moving through the journey of the major arcana cards.

Each card offers a different message and lesson and through the story you will begin to understand how the cards are related and tell a story of their own. You may even recognize which card you may be facing in your life now.

Practical Tips for Faster Learning of the Major Arcana Cards

To learn the Major Arcana quickly, focus on understanding the overarching journey they represent. The 22 cards follow the “Fool’s Journey,” a symbolic path of growth and transformation. By understanding this journey as a cycle of personal growth, you can quickly grasp the cards’ meanings in a narrative way. By seeing the cards as stages of life, you can easily connect each one to specific life lessons.

  1. Categorize the Major Arcana into three groups to simplify memorization. Cards 0-7 focus on personal development, cards 8-14 emphasize relationships and challenges, and cards 15-21 highlight spiritual growth and completion. This structure allows you to grasp the cards in meaningful segments.
  2. Use keywords to help you remember each card’s essence. For instance, The Fool stands for beginnings, while The High Priestess represents intuition. Associating short, memorable phrases with each card helps speed up your learning process.
  3. Rely on the visual imagery in the cards. The symbols, colors, and figures offer clues to their meanings. Cards like The Tower depict upheaval, and The Sun radiates positivity. Paying attention to the imagery reinforces your understanding without needing to memorize every detail.
  4. Incorporate daily practice by drawing one Major Arcana card and reflecting on its meaning in your life. This hands-on approach strengthens your ability to quickly interpret the cards and helps you internalize their meanings over time.

After you get the understanding of the story, breaking the cards into groups, using keywords, and practicing regularly, you can learn the Major Arcana meanings fast.

Learn the Major Arcana Cards Quickly

Once upon a time, in a world both vast and intricate, there lived a young wanderer named Aria. Her journey, mirroring the path of the Major Arcana in the Tarot, begins with the innocence and potential of The Fool.

Aria stood at the edge of a cliff, a bag slung over one shoulder, her eyes sparkling with the thrill of the unknown. She was ready to leap, not knowing where the wind would take her, embodying the spirit of adventure and the beginnings of a journey.

As she took her first step, she met The Magician, a master of resources, who taught her that she possessed all the tools she needed to succeed. Each tool represented an element: the wand for fire and ambition, the cup for emotions and love, the sword for air and intellect, and the pentacle for earth and material wealth.

The Magician’s lesson was one of potential: “Believe in your ability to manifest your desires.”

Venturing further, Aria encountered The High Priestess, a keeper of secrets and intuition. Sitting in a serene temple, the Priestess urged Aria to listen to her inner voice and embrace the mystery of the world, teaching her the balance between the known and the unknown.

In a bustling marketplace, Aria then met The Empress, who was surrounded by abundance and fertility. The Empress encouraged Aria to connect with nature and nurture her surroundings, reminding her of the beauty and creativity within life.

Following a path lined with orderly gardens, she arrived at The Emperor’s stronghold, symbolizing structure and authority. The Emperor taught Aria about discipline and the importance of rules and stability in creating a foundation for success.

At a crossroads, Aria found The Hierophant, a wise teacher offering guidance. He spoke of tradition, beliefs, and the importance of belonging to a community, urging Aria to find wisdom in the teachings of others and the world around her.

The Lovers appeared next, not as a pair but as a reflection in a pool, showing Aria her own capacity for love, choice, and the intertwining of relationships. This was a moment of decision, emphasizing the importance of personal values and the consequences of choices.

Charging through the woods, The Chariot came to a halt in front of Aria. This symbol of victory and willpower demonstrated the need for control over opposing forces. Aria learned to harness determination to overcome obstacles.

Strength approached as a lion in gentle repose, nuzzled by a maiden. Aria discovered that true strength lies not in brute force but in patience, courage, and compassion. The maiden tamed the lion with kindness, teaching Aria the power of inner strength and gentleness.

Next, Aria encountered The Hermit, who stood atop a mountain, lantern in hand. He urged her to seek solitude and introspection, to find her light within the darkness. This time of solitude was necessary for personal growth and enlightenment.

The Wheel of Fortune then spun wildly reminding Aria of life’s cyclical nature and the role of fate. She learned to embrace change and understand the cycles of life and fortune.

Justice appeared with scales and sword, highlighting the need for balance, fairness, and truth. Aria learned the importance of accountability and the consequences of her actions.

Crossing a bridge shrouded in mist, she found The Hanged Man, hanging upside down in contemplation. This moment of suspension and sacrifice taught her to view her life from a different perspective, understanding the value of letting go and waiting.

With a thunderous crack, Death rode in, not as an end but as a transformation. Aria learned to let go of the past to make way for new beginnings, embracing change as an essential part of life.

Temperance appeared by a serene stream, mixing water between cups, teaching Aria the value of moderation, balance, and blending opposites to find harmony within.

From the shadows, The Devil whispered of materialism and bondage, showing Aria how easily one can become trapped by desires and illusions, urging her to confront her shadows and break free from self-imposed chains.

The Tower crumbled as she approached, its destruction revealing the inevitable collapse of false structures and beliefs. Aria learned the hard lessons of upheaval and the liberation that comes from releasing what no longer serves her.

Beneath the starlit sky, The Star showered Aria with hope and inspiration, guiding her to trust in the future and her connection to the universe, reminding her of renewal after a fall.

The Moon rose, casting a glow on a path filled with illusions and fears. Aria navigated through uncertainty, learning to trust her intuition and face her fears, understanding that light shines brightest in the dark.

As The Sun rose, it brought warmth, joy, and vitality. Aria basked in its radiance, feeling renewed and full of life. The Sun’s light revealed the truth and clarity of her journey, offering success and happiness as rewards for her perseverance.

Near the end of her path, Aria heard a powerful call. It was Judgement, summoning her to reflect on her past, to evaluate her life’s journey up to this point. Judgement asked Aria to assess her actions and their consequences, urging her towards self-realization and transformation.

It was a moment of awakening, where Aria understood her purpose and saw the culmination of her experiences as steps towards a greater awareness.

Finally, Aria arrived at a magnificent gate, beyond which lay a vibrant tapestry of every landscape she had traversed, every character she had met, and every lesson she had learned. This was The World, her world in fact, the final card, symbolizing completion, accomplishment, and unity.

She had journeyed through the entire cycle of the Major Arcana, growing, learning, and transforming. The World represented her realization of wholeness and the interconnectedness of her journey with the universe. Aria had achieved enlightenment, understanding her place in the cosmos and feeling a profound sense of fulfillment and oneness with all that is.

The story of Aria, mirroring the journey through the Major Arcana, teaches us about the cycle of life, growth, and understanding. Each card represents a stage in our lives, a lesson to be learned, and a step towards a deeper understanding of ourselves and our place in the world. Through Aria’s journey, we learn that every experience, challenge, and decision is a step on the path towards enlightenment and self-realization.

Using the power of storytelling, you can learn the tarot card meanings in a fun and easy way.

Now dive in and learn about the minor arcana cards!


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